Onsite Impregnation Services

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Vacuum Impregnation Pvt. Ltd. was established in January 1998 to venture into the vacuum impregnation job-shop services industry. Starting as an entrepreneurial company with minimal workforce, it progressed rapidly within a period of time to form other successful ventures.

In June 1999, in line with the management policy of backward and forward integration, we joined hands with Werner Bayer GmbH,Esslingen, as their Indian partner for the engine assembly and testing machines to provide world renowned engine technology to Indian Automotive Industry.

The progressive yet cautious growth of the company later gave birth to another division ‘SRI India’, ( a joint venture with SRI Malaysia ) to serve the country in the Fire Fighting and Safety Industry.

Later, in 2011, yet another major partnership was formed with KMF Austria, to provide state-of-the-art Aluminium Recycling Furnaces and Systems with unimagined possibilities in new efficiency.

With the management policy of continual improvement and expansion, further new product lines are in the process of being added.